I keep remembering small conversations that I would have with Maddy. Some topics were the regular ones – how studies suck, who’s more broke, which new girl does Maddy like now, when to have our next drinking session and blah blah blah. When sometimes, our discussions would turn into arguments, then in the end, one of us would had to give in (not always though). His favourite line would be “achcha maan liya mere baap” :P. Another topic was when I would mercilessly bug him by finding faults in his grammar. More often than not, he would have to agree with me on these ones.
One day I asked him if he realised that he has an error in his gmail id: “maddy.allways”. I told him he had misspelt “always” with a double ‘L’. I was expecting him to agree with me on this one too, but he said something totally unexpected. He said he never meant to put “always” there and that he had meant “maddy all ways” which implies that he is Maddy in every way. I found it weird, funny, but I had nothing else to argue upon. A long time after that, I would have my doubts whether he really meant to spell it that way, or was it that, when I pointed it out, just a very smart, spontaneous cover up with an intelligent explanation. Whichever it was, it would always make me smile. I am still reminded of this conversation time n again and it still brightens me up.
And I cant agree more. Mahendra Singh Yadav -really a “maddy in all ways”!